Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Whether you're going through a deployment or you just need something to make the time pass while your soldier is away setting goals is always something that helps. It can be personal goals, or goals for the future of you and your significant other.

One of the personal goals I set for myself which happened by accident actually was working out. After I visited my soldier in Korea I just felt gross from all the stuff I had been eating and I got this urge to start working out when I came home. I used to be a competitive gymnast when I was younger so I have been naturally fit but I wanted to make myself start eating a little bit healthier and going to the gym. My soldier has always liked going to the gym so asking him for advice or encouragement has helped me stick to a schedule and regimen of creating a more fit life for myself. Whether it is a friend, family member or your significant other it is nice workout with someone or just share your experience and tips with. It has been about eight months since I started a schedule of going to the gym every other day and I can tell my body has changed and I have had more energy and self confidence. I also got a subscription to self magazine because I love finding new workout tips and moves that are geared toward a women.

Another goal or hobby that I have picked up while my soldier is away is the show Army Wives. I started watching it with my mom a few months ago since all six seasons are on Netflix. I absolutely love the show! Even though it is very dramatic and isn't always accurate to what army life is like it is fun to watch and it always has encouraging episodes that I can relate to. The seventh season just came out on DVD so I'm going to order it and I hope to watch the entire season before my soldier returns home. Army Wives has been a great hobby that has helped the time pass because I look forward to seeing each episode and it keeps me busy for a little while since my soldier is away.

Whether it is a personal goal or just a hobby, find something you like that helps pass the time because we all know missing our loved ones makes the days drag on.

Don't forget to keep a countdown because that always helps to see how many days left you have! 

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